Wednesday, August 29, 2012


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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Gate HERO Sept 2012 (post REDU)

Hey guiys, this will be a short post, just with the new deck, nothing new really, just tweaked for the upcoming decks we'll be seeing thanks to the new list. Still don't know how to stop Madolches if they become prominent. No text just a picture.

Got rid of the Utopias in favor of Maestroke (cheap Zenmaines, just no destruction effect, and with two Book of Moon effects, and the Heroic Champion is a weaker Steelswarm Roach, but I'm broke, and I had space. IDGAF anyway.  Until next time :/

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ban List Possible Additions

Sorry for the delay guys, but I had to go to the Dominican Republic for a few days to visit my girlfriend. However, I'm back, and it seems that some serious news has been revealed about the September 2012 Ban List. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, Shriek posted a picture of a Japanese magazine detailing the contents of the new Ban List. Some notable decks were hit HARD this format, and now people are looking towards Return of the Duelist and Abyss Rising to find a new deck that will dominate. Here's what will supposedly get listed;

Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (Saw it coming, same thing with Trishula)
Future Fusion (Goodbye Dragons)

Inzektor Dragonfly
Inzektor Hornet (Inzektors you will be dearly missed)
Chaos Sorcerer (Interesting...)
Spore (Plant comeback??)
Tsukuyomi (Unbanned, what will happen now?)
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon (Dragons you had a good run, but now your screwed)
Evigishki Gustkraken (Gishkis weren't even used, so the point in this is beyond me)
Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaighty (No more Wind-Up hand drops! Thank you Konami)
Ultimate Offering (I guess to slow down Gadgets?)

Rescue Rabbit (Slows the deck down a little bit, but will still be a problem)
The Agent of Mystery - Earth (Agents will be making a comeback, just a little slower now)
Debris Dragon (no comment)
Blackwing, Kalut the Moon Shadow (Blackwings also coming back?)
Tour Guide from the Underworld (Wind-Ups are now slower them ever :-))
E-Emergency Call (Hero's are still going to dominate, even with one less searcher)
Pot of Duality (Everyone plays two anyway unless they play play Chain Burn)
Hieratic Seal of Convocation (Slows down the Hieratic OTK a little bit)
A Hero Lives (I don't use it personally, but it may hurt some HERO players)
Reasoning (no comment)

No Longer Listed:
Necro Gardna (Lightsworn comeback)
Marshmallon (They see me stalling, they hatin')
Emergency Teleport (Psychics are gonna go fast)
Destiny Draw (May help those Exodia decks)
Level Limit Area-B (Ugh this card makes me scoop)
Swords of Revealing  Light (Stall much?)
Magic Cylinder (Burn with a vengeance)

It looks the method behind this format was to bring back decks that previously dominated, and take away or slow down the current decks of today. I can say with certainty that Inzektors and Wind-Ups will be taken off the market with this list, as key cards have been hit, so is to make the deck very hard to play. A shocker was Dragons, as there is an entire Structure Deck dedicated to them, but I guess the deck was too broken. Surprisingly Dark-Worlds didn't get hit, but they are easily stopped. Dino-Rabbit will be significantly slower, with the Main Card at two. HEROS will manage with only two E-Calls, and two Hero Lives. Hieratics will not go off as easily but they are easily stopped. My real concern is directed towards the comeback of Agents, as they were a formidable deck, and with the main engine coming back soon, we can all but wonder the results. But all in all it may be what this community needs to pick up different decks and bring back excitement to your game. See you next time. :-)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Card of the Week (I know its late)

Sorry for the late segment guys, I was dealing with a personal matter that required more attention than the blog. I'll also have a banlist wishlist up within the week and also an Inzektor deck profile that my friend avidly uses at his tournaments. Also leave a comment if you would like to see a Banned OTK God-Deck. Since it uses banned cards, I dont think it deserves attention, but if you want it, you got it.

This weeks card is used in the meta, and I hate the deck its associated with, when it could be used to a greater and less cheaper extent. I'm talking about RESCUE RABBIT.

A secret rare released in Photo Shockwave, Rescue Rabbit boasts this powerful effect.
"This card cannot be Special Summoned from the Deck. You can banish this face-up card you control; Special Summon 2 Level 4 or lower Normal Monsters with the same name from your Deck. Destroy them during the End Phase. The effect of "Rescue Rabbit" can only be activated once per turn."

This card was thought of as a younger sibling to the infamous "Rescue Cat"as it shares a similar effect, and i really hope this card makes the limited or semi limited list. Reason being is that this card has such a cheap effect, and people always run three so the spamming never stops.

This card was made famous by its main use in the "Dino-Rabbit" deck, by using its effect to Special Summon two Kabuzals' or Sabersaurus' and Overlay them to summon Evolsaur Laggia and Evolsaur Dollka, thus making your opponent facing down two beaters, with Laggia acting as Solemn Judgement, and Dollka as an Effect Veiler, thus shutting down any all and plays, and being very annoying. I hate the deck, and wish people would stop treating it like a high quality deck, when "Dark Worlds" are cheaper and better.

All in all, the idea was good to make XYZ Summoning easier, but now its just another nuisance card like "Legendary Six-Samurai Shi-En". I hope Konami rectifies the mistake and makes it appear on the ban list.

That concludes this segment of Card of the Week, this Friday will most likely be another meta card unless i get told otherwise. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

New Segment: Card of the Week

As many people know, _______ of the week is a segement which highlights a specific target for the theme of the website, blog, etc. Here at YFTP, I'll showcase cards for vintage factor, use in todays meta, and overall coolness.

To start off this segment, we're going back to the dawn of Yu-Gi-Oh! Everyone had this card, and it was one of the best, but its printing is discontinued except for the usual throwback sets Konami throws at us. The legendary, relentless, awesome, first mascot for a TCG set, BLUE-EYES WHITE DRAGON!!!!!!!

Yes we all know Seto Kaiba used this card in all of his anime and manga appearances, but this card was the nuts. If you didn't have this, you didn't have a shot to win. The most powerful monster of its time, old Blue-Eyes boasted 3000 ATK and 2500 DEF, easily running over Yugi's Dark Magician. I give this card props because it is vintage and overall awesome. I also have sentimental attachment to it because it was my first card, given to me by a dear friend many years ago. It's what got me started in Yu-Gi-Oh! and was always with me at my locals as for good luck. I no longer possess it due it being stolen along with my entire deck, at a YCS event. I dearly miss it, and I hope one day to get another one. But the rest of you guys just remember the card for other reasons. Anyways, I also felt that since this is the first installment of this segement, I should start with the very first Yu-Gi-Oh! mascot for the TCG.

First Printing in Starter Deck: Kaiba
Second in: Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon, Duelist Collection Tin: Kaiba, and Starter Deck: Kaiba Evolution

Third for various promos, and reprinting in Structure Deck: Dragons Collide

Fourth for the Anniversary Pack (My Personal Favorite Re-Print)

Most current for Gold Series: Haunted Mine

Like many other cards in Yu-Gi-Oh, it went through many reprints, but I will always remember the original Starter Deck Ultra Rare print. I miss you Blue-Eyes! Hope that thief at least took care of you. :/


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Deck Profile: Gate HERO

I run this deck EVERYWHERE. I love HEROS even before Absolute Zero and The Shining. Even the Vannillas. But to keep up with the meta, I have created an all-around great deck that's cheap, easy to play, and once again CHEAP. I don't have the money for overly expensive cards, and so does most of the community. So here it is;
Effect Veiler x2
Thunder King Rai-Oh x2
E-HERO Stratos
E-HERO Ice Edge x2
E-HERO Neos Alius x2
E-HERO Voltic x2
Fusion Gate x3
Miracle Fusion x3
E-Emergency Call x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Super Polymerization x2
Terraforming x2
Pot of Duality x2
Dark Hole
Heavy Storm
Book of Moon
Reinforcement of the Army
Mirror Force
Solemn Judgement
Solemn Warning x2
Starlight Road
Torrential Tribute
Card Total: 40 Cards

Side Deck:
Cyber Dragon x2
D.D Crow x2
Neo Spacian Grand Mole
Dimensional Fissure x2
Chain Disappearance x2
Dimensional Prison x2
Royal Decree x2
Shadow Imprisoning Mirror x2

Extra Deck:
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
E-HERO Absolute Zero x3
E-HERO The Shining x3
E-HERO Nova Master x2
E-HERO Escuraido (when available)
E-HERO Great Tornado
Stardust Dragon
Number 39: Utopia x2

I always play this on, and do fairly well due to the unpredictable nature of the deck. Yes I am aware there is no Monster Reborn. There is no need for it, as the entire deck is based on banishing monsters, and 41 cards is such a weird number and it bothers me deeply. :/

Legenday Collection 3

"All the more reason to get excited for the last Quarter of the Year! A Stunning closer last year, LC02 was a phenomenal product bringing the duel closer to more duelists around the world. Overflowing with deck staples and other hard to get cards, Konami has hit home time and time again by creating unique and player friendly sets. Look no further, because for 2012 Konami’s gonna top themselves again by creating Legendary Collection 3: Yugi’s World, slated for release at the beginning of October. Combining the best of both predecessors, the Yugioh Legendary Collection 3 will be given the Mega-Pack treatment. Each pack will contain 9 cards (including 3 foil cards per pack) from a whopping 306-card Mega Set, the largest Yugioh TCG Booster EVER! Konami has also left us with an intriguing statement; saying that there will be a brand new card the Duelist have desired but never released anywhere on Earth till now!"
Konami Official Press Statement

I have to admit, I was surprised at the content of this set. I thought we would be getting a 5 D's mass set reprint, with either the Signer Dragons or Earthbound Immortals (useless cards, but cool nonetheless) being the poster promos. This collection if lived up to the press statement, this could be the most popular set ever released, giving us an opportunity to get cards from vintage sets, in their "original rarities". (Check on the Konami website it says so.) With a slated $30 price tag, I'd suggest we start preordering now, because it'll be harder to get as time goes on just like its predecessor. The game mat looks pretty impressive as well, and may be my game mat for all of future Yu-Gi-Oh! events. Can't wait until October!